Are the PUC Yearbooks online?

Is there an online source for the Diogenes Lantern?


Unfortunately at this time we have only half completed our yearbook digitization project. When the project is complete, the yearbooks will be uploaded to our online archive, found here. We do have the print copies of the PUC yearbooks available for public use at the library as well as many yearbooks of our sister educational institutions. If you visit the online archive today, you can browse the "communities and collections" we do already have digitized, or you can use the search bar at the top of the page to keyword search the entire archive at once. Currently available collections include the complete run of the Campus Chronicle as well as other archival material like catalogs, letters, photographs, scrapbooks, and more. We look forward to a day in the future when we will have our yearbooks added to the online archive. In the meantime, perhaps you will enjoy the items already available to view online.


  • Last Updated Jun 08, 2022
  • Views 240
  • Answered By Patrick Benner

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