What tools are available for Bible study?


General Online Bible Study Sites

  • https://biblehub.com/commentaries/ - type verse to study in search box at top (e.g. 1 sam 28:7), many Bible version are shown as well as a number of commentaries comments about the verse
  • https://www.studylight.org/ - similar to above with a few more resources but WAY more advertising that tends to get in the way
  • https://www.biblegateway.com/ - mainly Bible searching but does offer a subscription to more study tools and sells print study books & commentaries
  • https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/archives/ - Christianity Today archives - Example: to search on the topic of the Witch of Endor, use “Endor” (with quotes) in search box otherwise you will get ENDORsement and such as matches.

Adventist Online Resources

  • https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/Forms/AllFolders.aspx - Adventist Periodical Archives site, the search box will search all periodicals. Or you can click on a specific journal and search just that individual one. Only older issues, not current ones are available. Search engine is not great…searching for Endor or "Endor" also matches Splendor and Vendor but it does highlight the search word in the PDF so that is helpful to quickly see if it is finding the correct term.
  • https://www.bibleinfo.com/en - Adventist Bible Question & Answer and research site (I typed Endor into the search box and got quite a bit of info) - run by Voice of Prophecy radio ministry - good friendly site.
  • https://www.ministrymagazine.org/archive/ - Ministry Magazine archives, search box worked great to bring up articles on Endor.

And here is the Logos software and online products. They have quite a large collection of tools available including the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary software (they show the print versions in the picture but it is a digital version that you can run on a Windows PC or a Mac or an iPad or Android tablet. Logos also has many other options as well and they are great to call and talk with.

One more tool that some of our religion students have made use of because it is free. It is downloadable software and runs on Mac/Windows/iPad/iPhone so you might want to take a look (the price is right). Many free commentaries and dictionaries is included. It might look a little intimidating but it doesn’t cost anything to check it out.

E-Sword:  https://www.e-sword.net/index.html


  • Last Updated Sep 29, 2023
  • Views 63
  • Answered By Patrick Benner

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