What is the latest update on the (possible) mutineer pigtail hair?


Both Kings College London and the FBI’s DNA Laboratory at Quantico, Virginia, have attempted to identify the hairs (from the pigtails) sent to them from the Pitcairn Islands Study Center.  Both have failed to identify the hairs, reporting to us that their present instruments have not, and they believe cannot accurately identify material from as far back as the late 1700s such as the hairs may be. 

However, both research centers state they hope to receive more powerful and precise instruments in the future, and when that happens they are hopeful of making true identification of the hairs they have received from us and are keeping for further study.            

Of course, we are not joyful that true identification has not been made – one way or another – but we realize that our patience may be the virtue that will bring success.

-Herb Ford (Director Pitcairn Study Center)
May 2023


  • Last Updated Jul 05, 2024
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Patrick Benner

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