How can I purchase Pitcairn Island Stamps?



The Pitcairn Islands Study Center, located on the campus of Pacific Union College in California, does not sell or evaluate postage stamps. We do collect some issues ourselves and help provide some information about new issues that are historically significant.
The Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau is now run by Tower Mint Ltd. in the United Kingdom as the official distributor of Pitcairn stamps. You could also contact Pitcairn Island’s postmaster, Dennis Christian, at, and ask about stamps and first day covers or other stamp questions
There are also 3rd party dealers around the world that have quantities of Pitcairn stamps such as Stamp World or even eBay. Stamp dealers online or local to you can also help you value stamps that you may already have in your possession.


  • Last Updated Jun 29, 2023
  • Views 71
  • Answered By Patrick Benner

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